Years ago, my grandmother, who could stick a twig in the ground and expected it to blossom like Aaron’s rod, sent me a rose bush for my birthday.  Knowing she would call, I read the directions for planting and dutifully put it in the ground.  She did call, and asked me how I liked the rose bushes she’d sent me. Plural? Rose bushes?  I assured her they were planted and thanked her for the gift. After I hung up, I raced to the garden, dug up the rose “bush” and un-twined the other two bushes. I dug two more holes and planted them. Through the years I have warned my children and friends to please not give me plants!!  Everything that grows does so in spite of my overwatering it, under-watering it, or forgetting to water it!  Succulents seem to grow in spite of me and I took out part of our lawn to plant some.  I did plant an apple tree and a new little peach tree that are actually beginning to bear fruit. After 15 years the prolific peach tree in our front yard died. I look at the new growth on the little fruit trees and marvel that they are growing! For all you gardeners out there, my hat is off to you!  Maybe I will write a book someday on being a gardener when you don’t know what you are doing!   Hmmm, maybe if I cut a piece off this plant and put it in some water…..