Years ago, I traveled for almost 3 years for Stonecroft Ministries. It was fun and a thrill to share my life and journey with other women. The only problem was that the committee had to approve my speech and I was not to deviate from it. That was fine, I told of my life before Christ, how I met Christ, my life after Christ, and the resurrection message. Usually I had 30 minutes, but sometimes their secular program, which always came first, cut into my time and I had to shorten my speech. I enjoyed meeting the ladies and never knew whether we were meeting in a nice country club, a rec hall, an all purpose room, or whatever. The groups ranged from around 30 to 100. I loved it but then my husband wanted to do more traveling and we ended up taking over 20 Road Scholar trips (formerly known as Elderhostel International) around the world; over 20 trips to different parts of Alaska for salmon fishing, and 9 inter-generational trips with grandchildren. The last few of his years he was not feeling well, and had two surgeries. He died from complications of the last surgery three years ago. I’ve spoken and taught at writer’s conferences but the last few years have been quiet. Recently the Lord has stirred up my heart to once again share my writing journey with others. After 13 books I feel I have much I could impart. Now it only remains to see if the Lord will open up the doors again.