Sometimes people look for a ministry that is meaningful, either in their church or an organization they support. For me, I’ve found hospitality a ministry. A Bible study and prayer group one morning a week, singing in my church choir, and this month, helping friends out. One friend from Idaho flew in the day I got back from the train trip to Simi Valley for the memorial service. Her nephew had died of COVID. After she made her plane reservations, she learned her daughter’s father-in-law had died and she needed to extend her stay a few days. Providing a place to unwind, transportation to needed places and serving meals is a ministry. I enjoy helping in this way. I had another friend stay with me for seven weeks while we packed up her house for sale so she could return to Ohio. Tomorrow, a friend from Colorado is arriving to stay a few days due to one of her employees losing her mother and shortly her father, who is dying. Due to the shortage of rental cars, I’ll take her where she needs to go. Another friend who lost her husband, had a bad fall, broke a wrist and couldn’t drive. She teasingly called me “Miss Uber.” Maybe we can’t be missionaries or do other great important things for the Lord, but as He said, if you do it to the least of these, you’ve done it unto Me. Making myself available and helping others, is a blessing, plus I can enjoy great Christian fellowship!



Photo by Wokandapix from Pixabay