Almost two years ago I transferred to another church that had a choir. Since I’ve been singing in groups most of my life, it was good to be part of the music program again. Then came COVID and everything shut down. Everyone was in the parking lot with masks on and I didn’t know anyone! I went back to my former church and waited. Finally, about two months ago, Nathan, our choir director, sent out an email gathering the choir again and now we are practicing for a Christmas program and the beautiful songs honor our Lord. Nathan is a very talented guy. He writes music, directs the orchestra, keeps choir practice on a humorous but dedicated note, and loves the older hymns as well.

As I’ve shared earlier, the Lord has been giving me “songs in the night” and so far I’ve written five. My musical expert in Boston, John, gets them in sheet music form and then puts them up on SMPpress (Sheet Music Plus). We are under Taylor/Prentice Productions for the Easter Cantata (Glorious) and some songs under Diana Wallis Taylor. So far I have sold two copies of “Abba, My Father” for which I’m ecstatic. My latest song is “The Sound of Rain” about the Holy Spirit sweeping the land. Don’t know what will come of the songs, but I have fun putting them together. Considering I don’t read music and don’t know how to write music, it makes for a challenge!

I’m also working on a Christmas musical called “Jesse’s Song” and the Lord is giving me the songs for that too. Great fun and keeps me busy.



Photo by Laura James from Pexels