We have a very nice neighborhood. Young families walk with strollers, several senior citizens take a morning or afternoon stroll, and at different times of the day, the dog walkers are out!

It’s so nice to greet people, let the dogs sniff each other, engage in small talk and generally enjoy the time of day. Walking my little dog, Maya, as friendly as she is, brings me many pleasant encounters. I appreciated my neighbors even more when, in early February of this year I came down with COVID. Mostly I was tired and slept a lot. My oldest son introduced me to Instacart! Groceries were delivered to my porch. One of my close neighbors made a trip to the drugstore to pick up medication, and other neighbors checked on me (from my porch) to make sure I was doing all right. My prayer ladies prayed for me and my neighbors on the other side, stopped by to see if there was anything they could do for me. I felt very cared for. I think I shared before about my trip to the emergency room to get a liter of saline solution. The cubicle was not clean, and there were other problems. I wanted to go home but the hospital van would not take me as I had COVID. They were trying to find me a voucher for a taxi, when I spoke with my daughter on the phone. She was in Las Vegas with meetings with her company. She told me, “I will take care of it, Mama,” and 15 minutes later I was in a black Mercedes Benz driven by an Uber driver, in my nightgown, robe and slippers! Nothing like riding home in style! I sat quietly in the back seat with my mask on, but since I’d had COVID a week, I felt my driver was safe. I was very glad to get home!!



Photo by Raša St from Pexels