My least favorite holiday is Halloween. Our neighborhood is invaded by ghouls, ten foot skeletons, ghosts and even a guillotine. Halloween is in the 3 billion dollar bracket with spending: costumes for adults, children and their pets, a huge supply of candy to give out, decorations, party supplies, etc. One friend complained that a neighbor was trying to see how many ghoulish things he could fill his yard with, complete with sound effects. All the scary films come out and the advertisements on TV reflect what you can see.

Now, my favorite holiday is Christmas. These days I have to have a neighbor get down my Christmas storage boxes and I spend all day putting things out, decorating my little tree (fake with lights, but cute). I could not put my lights up this year as my handyman and his wife moved to Arizona. I hosted my book club, my Bible study group, and a group of family for Christmas meals and enjoyed the cooking. Of course all those meals is why I lost my KOPS (Keeping Off Pounds Sensibly) status! I love the lights all over the neighborhood and the general feeling of good will. People just seem a little kinder. Our church choir puts on a Christmas concert and that was the highlight of the season for me. It was called “Song of Joy” and it truly was.



Image by Stefan Schweihofer from Pixabay