Teaching Again

Teaching Again

I am enjoying the series on Nine Women of the Bible that I am teaching at my church. We had a great discussion last week on the Woman of Samaria, and this week we’ll talk about Martha, the woman who hosted Jesus and his disciples many times in her home. When I wrote...
Get It Done

Get It Done

There seems to be a web site by that name in our city, but from experience, the title doesn’t seem to be working for a lot of people. Perhaps they are understaffed and just cannot get to everyone in the time people want them to. My son, Steve is not only a nurse but...
The Sound of Rain

The Sound of Rain

March has been a month of rain! Lots of it! Not only is the ground saturated, but we’ve also had an abundance of another kind of rain: The Holy Spirit. Starting first at Asbury University in Kentucky but spreading to other campuses across the country. Evangelist Mario...
Portraying Mice

Portraying Mice

Working with the illustrator for my little mouse book has been enlightening. Someone suggested they should wait until the book comes out and get their fees then. I looked into that but these illustrators don’t work that way. They get paid upfront whether a publisher...
Resurrecting a Novel

Resurrecting a Novel

Some years ago, I wrote about an organization in Thailand that worked with the underground church to get our lost American soldiers out of Vietnam. They were left behind when the last helicopters pulled out of Saigon and the US ended their participation in the war....
Writing a Blog

Writing a Blog

For some time now, I’ve had fun sharing a blog with friends and interested readers, but I am wondering if it is worth continuing. Who is reading, and should I continue?! If any of you wish, let me know what you are reading. Send a comment to my e-mail address:...