The Need for Prayer

The Need for Prayer

In answer to prayer, our church is starting a prayer team that will be up front at the end of each service to pray with people who need prayer for various reasons. It’s a great step and I’m glad to see we had almost 20 volunteers! We’ll serve every other month, after...
A Song in the Air

A Song in the Air

My young genius in Boston, John, is almost finished with my new song: “Tell Them.”  First stanza: Be a doer of the Word, be a voice that’s not been heard, wield the Spirit’s mighty sword, tell them about Jesus (3X) Very excited about this one. In another week it...
Creative Muse

Creative Muse

I haven’t mentioned writing but found myself still writing songs. The Lord wakes me up with words and melodies running through my head. I am also working on a fun fiction novel called House of Little Doors, a Bed and Breakfast in the mountains and the characters that...


Don’t know if everyone is as frustrated with what’s going on in our country, but it is sure getting old. Complaining about our politicians won’t change Washington! It is easy to get on the “let’s complain about politics, or whatever” bandwagon. I must remember in that...
What Christmas Is Really About

What Christmas Is Really About

With all the turmoil going on in our world, higher gas prices, inflation, the economy, it is hard to keep our eyes on the meaning of Christmas. I know I get sidetracked watching the news! Our church just put on a wonderful Christmas concert which focused on the Christ...


Recently we had a recall election for the governor. Regardless of how one voted, the average person I talk to doesn’t have much faith in the elections. Personally, I feel we should have stuck with just yes or no on the governor, and if he was ousted, let the Lt....